Acting on behalf of you on the French field

Potential interventions

Caredis acts on behalf of you:

  • Assessing competitive landscape
  • Identifying key opinion leaders / reference centers to define a short list of key targets
  • Meeting key physicians and academic stakeholders on behalf of Implantica and fixing meetings with healthcare professionals and Implantica leaders
  • Co-traveling with clients to meet key stakeholders and to attend medical conferences
  • Opening reference centers by facilitating the logistics (registration, hospital pharmacy, shipment …)
  • Coordinating the admin workflow to comply with the French Sun Shine Act
  • Interaction with local CRO stakeholders for the implementation and the follow-up of clinical initiatives
  • Supporting marketing & communication activities for events (booth, symposium, workshop, webinar …) taking place in France and in Europe
  • Facilitating the commercial scale-up (recruiting a direct sale team, creating a French legal entity, partnering with a distributor)
Passer le relai

Caredis, acting on behalf of you, keeps the full ownership to provide guidance, to set up the plan of actions, to execute and to report on request

Caredis acts as a seasoned ambassador for the client in France to meet potential customers as an the client’s voice and feet on the ground (physician’s office in hospital, operating room, congress…) able to raise deep awareness and to trigger sustainable adoption


  • Depending on type of interventions, timing and volume : it can be a combination of monhtly retainer, time sheet, success fees
  • The volume and type of activities are determined beforehand with an opened discussion between the Client and Caredis
  • All activities can be modulated (accelerated / downgraded / suspended) on client’s decision without specific conditions/reasons
  • Before starting an activity, Caredis sends an email to the Client with the quick description of the activity and a forecast of budget. Caredis starts after receiving an email of approval by the Client
  • The Client can interrupt this agreement at its convenience, at any time, without delay and without termination fees

Partnering with Caredis remains more agile and cost effective than hiring full time local employees as long as the reimbursement is not effective.

Steps of implementation: acting on behalf of you



Signature of an annual contract with fees per hour (310 €) and few examples of activities compensated by a combo of fix fees, time fees, and success fees.

Retainer fees on a monthly basis based on the expectations for responsive commitment.



The volume and type of activities are determined before hand with an opened discussion between Caredis and the Client.

All activities can be modulated (accelerated / downgraded / suspended) on Client’s decision without specific conditions.



Before starting an activity, Caredis sends an email to the Client with the quick description of the expected activity and the forecasted budget.

Caredis starts after receiving an email of approval by the Client.



A weekly meeting (plan & review) can be scheduled on Client’s demand to secure a frequent follow-up.

Caredis shares the minutes just after the meeting.



The Client can interrupt this contract at his convenience, at any time, without delay and without termination 5 fees.

Full flexibility.


Next steps

Current status and Planning 

bulb iconWhat are your specific needs for your first steps 1 on the field in France ?

zoom iconWhat are your expectations in terms of activities driven by Caredis ? For which outcomes ?

calendar iconWhat is your estimated timeline to kick off the execution of the go-to-market on the field ?

hospital iconHave you already interacted with French healthcare professionnals / local partners ?

list iconIf yes : Who ? Why ? How ? When ? Outcomes ? Next steps ?