Several cases in high competitive environment

Panorama Paris

Business Cases


Canadian Medtech with cardiovascular device

• International sales director based in Belgium

• No presence in France

• Submission for a PECT with an international study (w/o French sites) published in 2015

• PECT approved in November 2021

Main achievements

–Opening of 5 reference centers with a dozen of implantations

–3 presentations + 1 live in the box during annual academic meetings

–Scouting a clinical sales manager (hired in Feb 22)

–Weekly review of the account planning, pipeline and forecast

–Plan of staff and referral meetings

–Identification of 2 early users as a proctor/speaker

Next steps

–Extension of the headcount

–Signature and implementation of the proctor/speaker contract

–Disease awareness marketing campaign endorsed by the local academic society (SFC)

–Setup a registry endorsed by the local academic society (SFC)

–Enrollement of 2 reference centers in an international randomized control trial

NZ medtech with a digestive device

• European sales manager based in UK

• No presence in France

• Submission for a PECT with few clinical studies (w/o French sites)

• PECT under review by HAS

Main achievements

–Opening of 4 reference centers with 10+ of implantations

–Scouting a part time clinical specialist

–Weekly review of the account planning, pipeline and forecast

–Identification of 2 kols as a PI for an international registry

–Identification of potential partners as a distributor

Next steps

–Extension of the pool of reference centers with robust openings

–Hiring a part time clinical specialist

–Partnering with a local distributor

–Facilitating the implementation of an international registry


US medtech with a cardiovascular technology

  • Presence in France with its own commercial organisation focused on delivering the revenues with core products
  • Brand new technology changing the management of a disease in acute phase aiming at reimbursement
  • Limited clinical data
  • Operational leadership by the the Global Marketing team based in the USA
    => Approaching key potential users among reference centers
    => Identifying a pathway for a temporary procedure code requested by the community of physicians
    =>Triggering single-center studies
    => Building-up a community of early users among Europe

US medtech with a digestive device

  • No presence in France
  • Asking to identify the best pathway for a reimbursement
  • Limited clinical data
  • Operational leadership by the the Global Approaching key potential users among reference centers=>The pathway of Forfait Innovation identified as a priority to apply for reimbursement
    =>Approaching reference centers for an early use and selection of potential investigators
    =>Finetuning the clinical synopsis with local stakeholders